A game created for EA Sports and Pepsi with Macromedia Flash – www.eaandpepsistuffgame.ea.com
Photoshop 5.5 Tips and Tricks
Photoshop 5.5 Tips and Tricks
Everything on DVD Region 4
For all info on Region 4 DVD’s www.michaeldvd.com.au
Oxford creates world’s first Internet Institute
CNET reports that Oxford creates world’s first Internet institute – Britain’s Oxford University says it will create the world’s first institute dedicated to studying the Internet. The Institute (OII) is …
Australia’s rollout of Broadband in 2001
A clearer picture on what could be the rollout of Broadband in Australia, from www.emarketer.com.
Links for the Week of May 7, 2001
Here are some links I wanted to post on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, but my pc is out of action www.wddg.com/anamorph/ http://album.d2.hu/ http://inertia.d2.hu
Inertia website of the week
Website of the week @ inertia is www.gdscb.com. For the best links in the web, visit http://narita.d2.hu/
Microsoft DirectX examples of Dancing Trapezoids
Peter forwarded this link to Microsoft DirectX’s examples of Dancing Trapezoids
Properties of IE5.5 and IE6.0 Beta
Some samples of effects used in properties of IE5.5 and IE6.0 Beta msdn.microsoft.com/downloads/c-frame.htm?/downloads/samples/internet/default.asp
Media Cleaner by Terran
Media Cleaner is Terran‘s answer to put streaming on the web: http://www.terran.com/products/cleaner/index.html.
Dot Com Crash and Online Revenues
An article by Anthony Mahemoff title ‘Taking Lessons From The Wreck’ looks at Online Revenue and business plans post dot com crash www.min.com.au/min/res_busplan_feature.cfm
Sound Forge 5.0 launched by Sonic Fountry
Sound Forge 5.0 is the latest installment from Sonic Fountry. Sound Forge is the award-winning two-track digital audio editor which includes a powerful set of audio processes, tools, and effects …
Regular Expressions
Peter forwarded this link to more on Regular expressions www.4guysfromrolla.com/webtech/090199-1.shtml
ABC’s The Practice website
The Practice website http://abc.go.com/primetime/thepractice. A fans unofficial homepage http://vickie_fernandes.tripod.com/generalshowinfo.html
Test Pilot Collective’s Design, Fonts and gallery
Nice Design, Fonts and daily opening page gallery @ www.testpilotcollective.com