The ethics within Ubiquitous Computing

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Adam Greenfield has written an informative and interesting article in Boxes and Arrows on some of the ethical guidelines for user experience within ubiquitous-computing. It is an very interesting read, …

IA and User Experience books from 2003

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Jess McMullin from IAslash has post a list of some of the User Experience and Information Architecture books from 2003. Below is the list Universal Principles of Design Condensed design …

IA Sydney meet last night

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Many thanks to Eric Scheid for organising the IA Sydney meet last night, I unfortunately could only make it near the end, but was a pleasure to meet both Eric …

Interaction Architects or Designers

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Bruce Tognazzini has started up a discussion on the working title of Interaction Designers by suggesting that perhaps it should be changed to a more relevant title of Interaction Architect, …

Experience Curve weblog

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Experience Curve a weblog by Karl Long, is an interesting site which comments on how Experience Design (ED) or User Experience (UX) contributes to a business’ competitive advantage. The website …

Don Norman on Activity-Centred Design

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Don Norman has posted a really interesting article in JND on a remote control developed by a small company in Canada called Harmony, which is Activity-Centred. Their remote controls are …

Essay on steps to a career in User Experience

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Adaptive Path, the company which was started up by Jeffrey Veen and co, has written an interesting Essay titled “Starting a Career in User Experience”. The essay has been written …