PuTTY is a useful Free Win32 Telnet/SSH Client. I am starting to use it now, to communicate from my Windows 2000 machine and connect to another box running OSX 10.2 …
Apple launch the iCal Calendar
Apple launch the “iCal” Calendar utility as a free download for OSX 10.2 Jaguar ::: www.apple.com/ical
OmniOutliner for Mac OS X
OmniOutliner for the Mac OS X ::: www.omnigroup.com/applications/omnioutliner
Windows Longhorn FAQ
Windows Longhorn FAQ. The next windows environment ::: [1] www.winsupersite.com/faq/longhorn.asp and [2] www.winsupersite.com/showcase/longhorn_preview.asp
Discreet launch their web based software – Plasma
A new 3D product for the web by Discreet, titled Plasma ::: www.discreet.com/products/plasma
A Salon article on Netochka Nezvanova
An article titled, The most feared woman on the internet within Salon by Katharine Mieszkowski.
Final Cut Pro preview at Siggraph meet
I just got home from the last Sydney Siggraph meet for the year, where several speakers spoke about post production, CG and new products soon to be available on the …
Prof. David Arnold lecture
Tonight I visited a lecture at the University of Sydney organised by The University of Sydney ACM Student Chapter, the Computer Science Undergraduate Society and Sydney ACM Siggraph with world …
The Macromedia Beta Programme
The Macromedia Beta Programme www.macromedia.com/support/programs/beta.html
Linux turned 10 last weekend
Linux turned 10 years old last weekend on August 25th 2001. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech
Software draws the Shape of Song
A look at the ‘Shape of Song’. This website is an attempt to answer the seemingly paradoxical question of ‘What is the shape of Song?’. The custom Java software draws …
A useful XML article on WebMonkey
I revisited an old article today from way back in October 1998 at Webmonkey today. It is a useful article on XML. It gives a brief introduction to the language, …
Toon Boom Studio is an
Toon Boom Studio is an advanced drawing, inking, painting as well as compositing tool for the digital and traditional animator using the Mac OS X platform. A trial Beta version …
Sound Forge 5.0 launched by Sonic Fountry
Sound Forge 5.0 is the latest installment from Sonic Fountry. Sound Forge is the award-winning two-track digital audio editor which includes a powerful set of audio processes, tools, and effects …
Some Web based Perl CGI scripts
Here is a web based Perl/CGI based forum which can be downloaded for free: http://awsd.com/scripts/webbbs/index.shtml. Another is the CGI-RESOURCE http://www.cgi-resources.com/. Here is an equivalent script similar to blogger, www.amphibianweb.com/newspro/.