I came across this article while reading Brad Choates article. It comments on a new e-mail software “Blooma” which is currently Free in Beta and helps remove clutter in emails. …
New version of Movable Type 2.63
A new version of Movable type is released. This new version is predominantly a bug fix version than any new enhanced feature. More can be found here: www.movabletype.org
Microsoft buys VirtualPC
Along with all the recent mergers and companies buying companies, here is another which Todd Dominey comments on, Microsoft buys VirtualPC ::: http://whatdoiknow.org/archives/000789.php
Textism's – Referer 1.1 & Word HTML Cleaner
Refer is a web application that tracks incoming referrers (visitors who followed a link found elsewhere) to a web site. It allows for an up-to-the-minute list of referrers displayed in …
What is a Konfabulator?
What is a Konfabulator? I recently went on the hunt to find out more about this software and I came across a few posts on the app. Here are some …
Signlanguage reading software
An interesting innovation that allows translation software interpret signed language and translate it to english. The software was developed by a few computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University. The software …
MacWhispers comments on expected Mac software
MacWhispers, a site devoted to the rumoured Apple software and hardware related news, comments on some interesting apple products that might be in the pipeline, including an ultrabook. ::: www.envestco2.com/macwhispers/archives/000030.php …
Google buys Blogger
An interesting article I came across earlier today is that Google, the search engine giant has purchased Pyra Labs, the maker of Blogger. http://weblog.siliconvalley.com/column/dangillmor/archives/000802.shtml#0008 02 Kevin Lynch has an interesting …
A new version of Movable Type is released
Movable Type 2.6 is released ::: www.movabletype.org With it comes a wealth of new features including new Text Formatting options, support for Creative Commons Licenses, new category features, the built …
Mobility Matters: Application Design for a Wireless World
An interesting article I came across while reading Klynch.com titled “Mobility Matters: Application Design for a Wireless World” By Chris S. Thomas, Intel e-Strategist. The article comments on how today’s …
Kevin Lynch starts his Weblog
Kevin Lynch, the Chief Software Architect at Macromedia has started writing a Weblog www.klynch.com. It is great reading his Software story and reading his Foundation articles. These articles are a collection …
A tool for reducing file sizes of Vector files
Optimaze! is a vector file size compression tool that reduces file size up to 50% of SWF rendered vector images and animation. www.file-size.com
Developing for the Waccom Intuos2
Developing for a Waccom Intuos2 or another device using WinTab, then check out the LCS website www.pointing.com
MovableType turns 1 year
Movable Type turns 1 year old and is updated to a new version – 2.5. Movable Type is a free server based blogging system that runs under Perl and your …
From Japan: developing for the Sony Clie
I just arrived from Japan and here is a useful website I came across on developing for the upcoming Sony Clie PEGNX70V and NX60 which includes support for the new …