The AGDA Design Research Journal has put a Call For Papers on a special issue of the Journal covering Graphic Design & Visual Communication Research. More information is available from …
What is the value of a corporate taxonomy
OVUM have recently published a interesting research content management report titled, The corporate taxonomy: creating a new order by Eric Woods. The report is available online or as a PDF …
Researchers re-grow optic nerves
Researchers at the Harvard Medical School, have published a paper in the Journal of Neuroscience, that describes the regeneration of optic nerves. Although the research describes the enhancing and reproduction …
GooFresh, the date-based search tool for Google
GooFresh, the Google date-based search engine. Oh yeah! Goofresh is a way to search for sites added today, yesterday, within the last seven days, or last 30 days.
Converting photos into 3D models
Antonio Criminisi and Andrew Blake from Microsoft’s research labs in Cambridge have found a way to extract 3D information from an image such as a photograph. The method determines what …
Language, Biology, and the Mind by Gary Marcus
I came across an interesting scientific interview with Gary Marcus, in titled, Language, Biology, and the Mind. The interview looks at the interesting process of language acquisition, cognitive development, …
Key Research Findings in User-Centered Design (2002-2003)
I was reading a few newsletters and I came across the December 2003 UI Design Newsletter from Human Factors International. The newsletter includes some interesting findings by, Dr. Kath Straub, …
Start of final semester
As the final week of uni break approaches and the beginning of my last semester at uni commences, I’ve once again started revising notes and catching up on readings and …
NCO/IT R&D – HCI and IM research papers
Challis Hodge has forward a link to some research papers by the NCO/IT R&D (the US National Coordination Office for Information Technology Research and Development). The papers cover Human Computer …
SCEE Technology Group PS2 Presentations
The Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) Technology Group have some interesting articles and presentations from the Australian Game Developer Conference 2003, Siggraph 2003, KRI Moscow and Game Developer World 2003. …
The Nokia Research Library
The Nokia Research Library contains some interesting journal and conference papers on Audio and Visual Communication Systems, Electronics, Mobile Networks, User Interfaces (Speech, Visual), Security and Usability and Ergonomics.
OZCHI 2003 Conference, QLD
The OZCHI conference is to be held on 26-28 November at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. OZCHI is the annual conference for the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (CHISIG) …
A new Ethnography Wiki
Peter J. Bogaards has posted a great link to a new Ethnography Wiki. Ethnography is a branch of Anthropology that deals with scientific description and study of human cultures and …
The Usability Methods Toolbox
The Usability Methods Toolbox by James Hom is a collection of useful information on the various methods and techniques used in usability evaluation. The list contains a large selection of …
Publications from academic IT conferences
Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT) is a publication by the Australian Computer Society (ACS), which aims to facilitate the proceedings from Academic conferences covering all areas …