Liz Edols has written a great introductory article on what exactly are Taxonomies? …’structures that provide a way of classifying things – living organisms, products, books – into a series …
D-Lib Magazine on digital library research
D-Lib Magazine is a publication focused on digital library research and development, including but not limited to new technologies, applications, and contextual social and economic issues. The magazine is published …
IAWIKI Sydney Meet on Wednesday
Thank you to the 20 or so people who came to the IA meet in Sydney organised by Eric from IAWiki. It was great to meet with fellow peers both …
Typography Outline and Shape affects word recognition
This Microsoft paper within their Typography and Cleartype section titled, The science of word recognition, comments on evidence within cognitive psychology that indicates we use the letters within words to …
Survey of future and current IA work trends
Lou Rosenfeld has invited the participation in a short survey to detect past and future trends regarding where information architects work, and how much of their work is dedicated to …
Movement & Meaning presentation and Lavanotation introduction
My visit to Sussex University included attending the presentation of PhD student from UTS Lian Loke, titled, Movement & Meaning: A Study of iToy. The presentation was extremely interesting and …
Dynamo Project from the Interact Lab at Sussex university
I had the opportunity to visit the Interact Lab, a research centre at the University of Sussex in the UK. The Interact Lab in the university, aims to develop innovative …
Peter Morville 2004 IA research and literature
Peter Morville has posted a summary of his summer research findings within Information Architecture, grouping university papers, readings and journals he has found most valuable and useful. His summary includes, …
What to do with a talking horse?
UIE have written an interesting paper on the web development stage called the Talking Horse. Every website during development goes through this step, this article informs of ways to recognise …
Crypto conference reveals MD5 flaw
An interesting article in MIT Technology Review which comments on how researchers in France, Israel and China have found flaws in the MD5 encryption. An algorithm and encryption that up …
The NextD Design Journal
An interesting journal titled, The NextD Design Journal looks at a variety of topics and areas, including human-centered design, navigation, innovation, interaction and research.
Visual perception papers from Freigurg University
Some of the interesting medical papers and research of human visual perception currently being undertaken at the Dept. of Ophthalmology at the Medical school of the University of Freiburg, Germany. …
The IBM History Flow research project
I’ve been reading up on a variety of projects whilst here in the UK. One I found particularly interesting is the IBM History Flow research project. The project is part …
Popular colour combinations with Colorcell
An experimental website and project, Colorcell, which aims to find the most popular color combinations.
Bill Gates challenges Researchers to define the future of software computing
A copy of the Bill Gates speech from the Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2004 in Redmond, Washington on August 2, 2004. His speech challenged academic researchers from around the world …