‘The Security Focus’ website http://online.securityfocus.com
Osioniusx is a website that
Osioniusx is a website that shows vulnerable areas in IE6 and other apps. It also contains a complete list of coding examples and methods used to exploit these holes ::: …
[1] Remote Scripting with Javascript
[1] Remote Scripting with Javascript and ASP ::: www.devarticles.com/content.php?articleId=99 and [2] Sending SMS Messages With ASP and OpenSMS ::: www.devarticles.com/content.php?articleId=91
The '[PROTO]type' website. A useful
The ‘[PROTO]type’ website. A useful selection of Flash code and reusable objects ::: www.layer51.com/proto
Google challenges Yahoo
Google challenges Yahoo www.infoworld.com/articles/hn/xml/02/04/30/020430hngoogle.xml
Macromedia Director 8.5.1 Shockwave Studio
Macromedia Director 8.5.1 Shockwave Studio Updater Download ::: www.macromedia.com/support/director/download/dir851_updater.html
The Cyborg Manisfesto
The Cyborg Manisfesto http://cyborgmanifesto.org
'Design for the Stupid' an
‘Design for the Stupid’ an article by Gerry McGovern on Site Design ::: www.clickz.com/design/site_design/article.php/1014351
An interesting article on an
An interesting article on an interview with Mark Crispin Miller, a media critic, professor at New York University, and the author of ‘Boxed In: The Culture of TV’. ::: www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/interviews/crispinmiller.html
An interesting article in ClickZ
An interesting article in ClickZ on ‘Excellence by Design’ ::: www.clickz.com/design/cont_dev/article.php/1024671
The PBS & Frontline homepages
The PBS homepage www.pbs.org and the Frontline homepage www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/
The Palm OS website has
The Palm OS website has excellent info and resources on the development for the palm OS. ::: www.palmos.com
The Macromedia MX AP Seminar
The Macromedia MX AP Seminar Registration form ::: http://macromedia.supportgroup.com.au/mmxl_may02/register.asp
A quote by Cicero
“I criticize by creation – not by finding fault.” – Cicero (106-43 B.C.)
The official website for the
The official website for the movie ‘Traffic’ is a beautiful piece of web art/design ::: www.trafficthemovie.com