Here is a useful collection

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Here is a useful collection of Flash 5 / Actionscripting websites :::

Geoff Stearns playground website, 'Deconcept

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Geoff Stearns playground website, ‘Deconcept Technologies v3’. He has some interesting examples of Actionscript and has written a chapter in the Flash5 book, ‘Macromedia Flash: Super Samurai‘ :::

I've been reading 'No Logo'

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I’ve been reading ‘No Logo’ by Naomi Klein for a little while now, and someone asked me the other day for the website. Here it is :::

An article by Laurie Rosenwald

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An article by Laurie Rosenwald in ‘Communication Arts’ on ‘Illustration: Graphic Design’s Poor Relation’ :::

A month old but interesting

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A month old but interesting article by Meryl K. Evans in Digital Web Magazine which focuses on business models, ‘Building the Business Game Plan’ :::

An interesting article on how

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting article on how innovation will increase the prospects of potential employees :::

The 'Hulton Archive', a collection

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The ‘Hulton Archive’, a collection of over 40 million unique photographs & illustrations recording history to the present day. :::

[Ski] Who will shape the

In Archive by Fredy Ore

[Ski] Who will shape the future? From politics and the military to education and entertainment. A look at NEWSWEEK spotlights of 10 important people to watch in the coming year …

An article on the IAB's

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An article on the IAB‘s (Interactive Advertising Bureau) unveiling of Ad Impression Guidelines :::

[Ski] An article on the

In Archive by Fredy Ore

[Ski] An article on the Microsoft lawsuit of ‘Lindows‘ an alternative operating system (OS) firm created by founder Michael Robertson :::