IAB online Brand research findings

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A few press releases on the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), Doubleclick, MSN, And CNET Networks Release Groundbreaking Online Brand Research Findings [1] www.microsoft.com/PressPass/press/2001/Jul01/07-18IABpr.asp [2] www.doubleclick.net/us/corporate/presskit/press-releases.asp

Memory Triggers: What Branding is really about

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Here is a nice article by internet.com’s Simon Waterfall on branding, ‘Memory Triggers: What Branding is Really About’ ::: http://australia.internet.com/r/article/jsp/sid/10920

Innovative techniques & approaches by Hillman Curtis

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An article at some of the innovative techniques and approaches adopted by Hillman Curtis as he (and company) lead the convergence of broadcast-style advertising and digital media technologies within design. …

British Design and Art Direction

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A good source for info on the UK’s design and advertising communities – British Design and Art Direction (D&AD) www.dandad.org