See your website as a colour blind user

In Archive by Fredy Ore

37 Signals comment on a tool which converts your webpage design as if you were colour-blind. There are some interesting links and comments and useful resources there, and on … gets redesigned as a Rich Internet App

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The website gets redesigned with a new facelift and rich internet application. The new website prompts new questions once again about macromedia’s compliance with accessible devices. Here is …

BBC Article on Accessibility for blind users

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A recent BBC article which looks at website accessibility use and web access by blind and disabled web users

User Centered Design for Gov portals article

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Digital Web magazine have posted a new feature titled ‘User-Centered Design for Large Government Portals’. The article looks at accessbility and also section 508 :::

The new version of reloade

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I have updated the site to version 4.0 (December 2002). This update and new version represents a new direction I’m applying to the site to follow more Standards in online …

An interesting article on ADD

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting article which comments on a ADD (NSW Ageing and Disability Department) and AMR survey in 2000 on older Australian surfers (55+) wanting to get online in 2000. ::: …

Colour use in PDA-Mobile article

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting article in 2000 which comments on the use of colour in PDA/Mobile technology. It makes references to the use of colour in PC Applications. The article was titled …

The US disability act in 2001

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting article on Accessiblity Standards By Mark Gibbs in ‘Network World Fusion’. The article comments on the US dissability act put forward in 2001 :::