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Converting file formats in the cloud

In Tools by Fredy Ore

A pretty neat tool Cloud Convert (in Beta) lets you convert pretty much any file format to another within the cloud.

It can convert SVG to PNG and pretty much any other format I’ve thrown at it. The most useful I have found has recently been for Audio files, AAC to MP3, etc.

Screen Shot 2014-10-26 at 18.31.18


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ESA promotes Rosetta comet mission with film

In Engineering, Future, Technology by Fredy Ore

The European Space Agency (ESA) has released a short sci-fi movie to promote its audacious Rosetta comet mission.


Ambition is a collaboration between Platige Image and ESA. Directed by Tomek Bagiński and starring Aiden Gillen and Aisling Franciosi, Ambition was shot on location in Iceland, and screened on 24 October 2014 during the British Film Institute’s celebration of Sci-Fi: Days of Fear and Wonder, at the Southbank, London.

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Steve Wozniak joins the University of Technology, Sydney

In Engineering, Technology by Fredy Ore

Angela Vogiatsoglou has posted on LinkedIn that the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) has appointed Apple Computer co-founder Steve Wozniak as adjunct professor at the Faculty of Engineering and IT.

He will join the “Magic Lab”.

Being a UTS graduate, this is simply amazing news! :) I cannot wait to visit next year in 2015 and also see the new Frank Gehry buildings at the city campus for the first time.

Other related links
AFR Financial Review on Steve Wozniak and UTS
Silicon Republic

Photo credit: Srinivas Madhisetty

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The most expensive social network

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A new social network has launched this week called The Netropolitan Club which according to its website is intended for the world’s most affluent and accomplished individuals with a staggering $9,000 joining fee and $2,000 annual fee.

It is strictly for socialising and not for soliciting business.

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Light is Time at Milan Design Week 2014

In Gallery, Image, Love by Fredy Ore

LIGHT is TIME, is a collaboration between Tsuyoshi Tane of DGT Architects and watch manufacturer Citizen for the 2014 Milan Design Week.

Citizen Press Release
On the Installation at Milan Design Week 2014

DTG Architects
Installation for Citizen



Update (Nov/Dec 2014)
Spoon Tamago report on the installation at SPIRAL in Tokyo from November 28, 2014.
Visual News covers the story from Design Week in Milan
– Alex Wain from So Good So Bad has written a review of Light is Time

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A talk by Muyueh Lee at Open Data Workshop 2013

In Visualization by Fredy Ore

I revisit Muyueh Lee’s talk titled, Green Honey from the Open Data Workshop held in London in 2013.


This process represents some concepts that I believe are true in visualization: Keep testing different models and learn something new from your dataset… People are relying on us to see the world.Muyueh Lee - Open Data Workshop, London 2013

Some of the topics covered at the Workshop included, Discoverability, Transformation (to other formats), Different models, Quality and Human-readable “stories” from data.

Update: Fast Company has featured the visualisations covered at ODW2013 in an article titled, The Semantics of Colour.

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6 Characteristics within the Internet of Things (IOT)

In Disciplines, Engineering, Experience Design, Experience Strategy, Technology by Fredy Ore

Carlos Elena-Lenz from Frog has published an interesting blog post in Design Mind on 6 characteristics within the Internet of Things (IOT).

The Internet of Things is a double-edged sword for designers of all stripes because “things,” or endpoints, can take on a myriad of form factors. The variability is a blessing and curse.

… six key characteristics surfaced that make products inherently IoT. Each characteristic encompasses of a set of capabilities that can be dialed up or down depending on tradeoffs and decisions made in your design.Carlos Elena-Lenz

  1. Intelligence
  2. Connectivity
  3. Sensing
  4. Expressing
  5. Energy
  6. Safety

By framing IoT design with these characteristics, multi-discipline teams are able to work across their domains to make tradeoffs in interaction design, software architectures, and business models.

Image source: Amber Case @ LeWeb in Paris 2012 from Flickr
Featured Article from The Next Web

Update (Nov 2014): The article appears also on Medium part of a 3-part series.