Some of my sketch-notes and photographs from the Visualisation Summit in London, the other day.
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ESA Rosetta Philea lands on Comet!
The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Philae lander from the Rosetta space mission has finally landed on the P67 Comet a few minutes ago!
#67P at 08:21 UT during #CometLanding descent
— ESA Rosetta Mission (@ESA_Rosetta) September 30, 2016
#CometLanding tweets on Twitter
#CometLanding Tweets
Tweets from the Philae Lander
Tweets by @Philae2014
Update: Some of the amazing photographs and stories of the landing.
BBC Coverage of the landing
DLR Video on reaching, mapping and landing on the comet
The DLR Mission portal
The Guardian’s coverage of the historic Landing.
VisualLoop’s 20 Visualisations of the landing
New Scientist’s CreataVist
Image Source: ESA
The size of Comet 67P
Nigel Hawtin from New Scientist shared this image with us today of Comet 67P compared with Downtown LA. :)
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Old GSM Networks could power the Internet of Things (IOT)
Technology Review writes about how Intelligent Machines could one day end up using the radio frequencies allocated of old GSM mobile networks.
The Chinese city of Macau could be the first as it plans to phase out GSM by June 2015.
The article cites a Cornell University paper on Dedicated Networks for Smart Meters.
Image source, Flickr College of Computing at Georgia Tech
Remembrance Sunday
View PostInterstellar
Watched Christopher Nolan’s sci-fi epic Interstellar last night at Screen on the Green.
Even though I hear Nolan prefers everyone to watch it in the IMAX format, I enjoyed the 35mm format last night.
8 out of 10 for me. Jeanne gave it a 6 she said – a bit harsh I thought.
I didn’t know Mark Kermode was “a Nolanoid” as he puts it. He’s written a review of the film on The Observer this morning.
Careful: Spoiler alert.
You are not late by Kevin Kelly
Kevin Kelly has written an inspiring article in Medium titled, You are not late.
Love it!
The internet was a wide open frontier then. It was easy to be the first in category X. Consumers had few expectations, and the barriers were extremely low …If we could climb into a time machine and journey 30 years into the future, and from that vantage look back to today, we’d realize that most of the greatest products running the lives of citizens in 2044 were not invented until after 2014.Kevin Kelly
Google’s Material design
Wired has written another post on Google’s Material Design, this time looking at the considerations within Interaction Design.
Material design is a few things. It’s a makeover—a “sweeping, well-reasoned, and often beautiful redesign” as we said earlier this year. It’s a new way of understanding user interfaces, in which UI elements get stacked like physical objects in three-dimensional space.
It’s a bid to unify … products across platforms and devices, a modular design language built to scale across not just phones and tablets but also watches, walls, whats-its, and wherever else Google might end up in years to come.
… Material design shaped the OS in some more foundational ways. One of the biggest is a new approach to UI … every interface is a three-dimensional construction, with each component behaving as if it was made out of real, physical material.
Examples include:
Picker components for picking date and time
Navigation drawer
Navigational transitions
Scrolling techniques
Swipe to refresh
Date & time formats
Some of the principles and Metaphors, Intention and Meanings are shared within delightful details being considered for Transitions. The Material design website also has a nice introduction to the new visual language of Material.
Mike Bostock on Scroll-based Interactions
Mike Bostock has written about 5 rules for effective scrolling within touch-based gestural, keyboard & other interactive storytelling and visualisations.
Citing a few examples including the Apple Mac Pro site and the Huge Inc homepage, below are his key considerations.
Rules for effective scrolling:
- Prefer scrolling to clicking
- Allow rapid, incremental, reversible scrolling
- Provide instantaneous, consistent feedback
- Avoid unwanted disruptions
- Support standard keyboard controls
Scroll-based interaction is incredibly popular for interactive storytelling. There are many compelling reasons for this, yet scrolling is surprisingly nuanced and easy to break… here are five rules for employing scrolling effectively.Mike Bostock
Mental Model considerations within the third world
Hassan Baggi has written an article on Tech Crunch titled The Challenge Of Connecting The Unconnected which resurfaces the discussions for considerations within design when thinking of Mental Models for unconnected citizens and the third world.
A mental model is essentially a person’s intuition of how something works based on past knowledge, similar experiences and common sense. So even when something is new, mental models help to make sense of it, utilizing the human brain’s ability to transcode knowledge and recognize patterns.
Some of the considerations mentioned in his article, which aren’t new to our thinking within design includes:
– Internet accessibility and affordability
– Mental models of the elderly & mis-alignments across global regions
– Connecting the un-connected world & objects
– Third world consideration and the remaining unconnected 4.3 billion people across the world
Mental Models, and cultural considerations aren’t new in design thinking. I first read about Mental Models when reading Indi Young’s book.
Chris Baum interviewed Indi Young in Boxes and Arrows back in 2008.
Also, Recently the design consultancy IDEO, updated their Human-Centered Design Toolkit which is a free innovation guide for social enterprises and NGOs worldwide.
Their 3 lenses and perspective of HCD looks at the intersection of Desirability, Feasibility and Viability as the sweet point where solutions should be.
Useful links on Mental Models, Behavioral Matrix, Mapping touch-points and Service Models can be found here:
Touchpoint and a mix of references
Google’s collection on Zero The Moment of truth (ZMOT)
CGAP report “Insights into Action – What Human-Centered Design Means for Financial Inclusion” by Yanina Seltzer, Claudia McKay, October 2014
Terms of Service – A graphic novel on Privacy & Big Data
Michael Keller and Josh Neufeld have created a Graphic Novel titled, Terms of Service: Understanding our Role in the World of Big Data, which charts the story of Privacy and Data from early beginnings of cloud email to now and the future.
The Press Release by Aljazeera America on the graphic novel.
The graphic novel covers topics & discussions also discussed in the Al Jazeera America Living with Data series by Sara M. Watson, a technology critic and a Fellow at the Berkman Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard University.
Her work explores how people are learning to live with, understand and interpret data. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Wired, Harvard Business Review and Slate.
The ICA’s Jasia Reichardt’s landmark exhibition Cybernetic Serendipity
The ICA is celebrating the landmark Jasia Reichardt 1968 exhibition this month with a display of documents, installation photographs, press reviews, invitation cards and publications.
Giant Chocolate King-Kong for the 20th Salon du Chocolat
French chocolate maker Jean-Paul Hevin talks about the chocolate King-Kong created by Richard Orlinski in Paris, Oct 27, 2014, on the eve of the 20th Salon du Chocolat (Paris Chocolate Show).
Experience design is shaping our future
Mary Treseler from O’Reilly has written a timely article on the state of experience design in our Industry. The article is the first of a series which will cover the future of design, the changing role of designers, and how design is shaping our lives.
Design aligns humans and technology, it aligns business and engineering, it aligns digital and physical, and it aligns business needs and user needs.
Source: Nathan Shedroff – New Methods for Designing Experiences