The TV Room – a resource for screen graphics

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I came across the website, called “The TV Room” dedicated to screen presentation graphics, straps, idents, id logo’s and more for a range of cable and television network programs.

There is a helpful Archive and also a series of prototypes and examples.

It’s definitely worth a look, particularly if you have an interest in TV graphics

MovableType turns 1 year

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Movable Type turns 1 year old and is updated to a new version – 2.5. Movable Type is a free server based blogging system that runs under Perl and your hosting servers CGI-BIN. I’ve been using it for a few months now on my laptop and I must say it is excellent :::

Letizia: An Agent That Assists Web Browsing

In Archive by Fredy Ore

A look at MIT’s Media Labs, Henry Lieberman – “Letizia” project.
“Letizia is a user interface agent that assists a user browsing the World Wide Web. As the user operates a conventional Web browser such as Netscape, the agent tracks user behavior and attempts to anticipate items of interest by doing concurrent, autonomous exploration of links from the user’s current position. The agent automates a browsing strategy consisting of a best-first search augmented by heuristics inferring user interest from browsing behavior.”