A new version of Movable Type is released

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Movable Type 2.6 is released ::: www.movabletype.org
With it comes a wealth of new features including new Text Formatting options, support for Creative Commons Licenses, new category features, the built in Sanitize plugin by Brad Choate, for cleaning up visitor-submitted data, a new <MTLink> tag, enhanced options for comments, support for the metaWeblog.newMediaObject XML-RPC method & RSD and finally new database drivers for PostgreSQL and SQLite. More can be found here: www.movabletype.org/docs/mt26.html and www.movabletype.org/docs/mtchanges.html
In addition, Ben and Mena Trott (the authors of Movable Type) are releasing a Pro version with enhanced features from their company, Six Apart. ::: www.sixapart.com/press/six_apart_annou.shtml.

The demand for better rechargeable-battery technology

In Archive by Fredy Ore

An interesting article in Technology Review on the new demanding necessities of portable power, particularly as we embark on a world of wireless devices and portable technology.
With our society largely becoming more populated by Laptop and portable computers, their faster speeds and powerful processors, brighter displays are demanding more and more electrical power. The article comments that “experts say current rechargeable-battery technology hasn’t progressed at the same pace as these other portable technologies, leaving a so-called power gap.”

Update: Technology Review Mag’s articles and section on Better Batteries