Future fears to Innovate

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Wired post an interesting article by Leander Kahney titled, Futurist Fears End of Innovation, which comments on the talk by Howard Rheingold at the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference and his views that the freedom of technologists to innovate is under attack as never before.
Commenting on legislative and political opposition to Innovation and also the influence by music and movie industries, Rheingold mentions that the explosive growth of Internet-connected PCs, handhelds and cell phones has dramatically altered the cultural landscape.

Clay Shirky’s post on Social Software Politics

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Clay Shirky has posted an interesting blog entry called, Social Software and the Politics of Groups, which looks at the political approaches, group experiences, and barriers to public development of tools such as weblogs, wikis, chat and instant messaging by comparing these to old systems and old assumptions.

Social Software are different when compared to other traditional groupware and knowledge management tools, which are based on pre-defined roles, workflows, and categories.

A company that provides such a service is SocialText.

KartOO visual meta-search engine

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Simon Rutgers from PeopleSoft forwarded me this link of the KartOO metasearch engine which renders results as a visual interface. The algorithm of KartOO launches the query to a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles them and represents them in a series of interactive maps. It is an interesting visual way of displaying search results.
Here is a related visual search by Anacubis which uses the Google Search API to render search results visually.

Interface Festival 25-27 April, 2003

In Archive by Fredy Ore

There is a media festival on this long weekend in Paddington, Sydney called, Interface. It is a student run festival with over 70 speakers from all around Australia. Interface is a festival of ideas on the future of the media, democracy, and education.

Differences between Meta-data and traditional CMS websites

In Archive by Fredy Ore

There is a great article in Boxes and Arrows this week, which explains the idea behind ontologies in the Semantic Web, which is being pushed by Tim Berners-Lee.
The article titled, Building a Metadata-Based Website has been written by Brett Lider and Anca Mosoiu and discusses the differences between Meta-data websites and traditional CMS by looking at the advantages between the two and looking at business models that could result. The article also contains a great reference list of further readings on the Semantic Web.

Lev Manovich views on the Information Society

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Here is an interesting article on Lev Manovich’s views on the mechanisms which move the information society. His book, The Language of New Media is the first systematic essay on the New Technologies of Communication. He sees the language of New Media as the vision of the world in contemporary society.
Lev Manovich recently Guest Lectured at the University of Sydney on Art and Culture in the Digital Age on April 4th and on his Research in Humanities and Social Sciences on April 15th.

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The other future language of New Media

In Archive by Fredy Ore

There is an insightful and engaging blog post by Adrian Miles on why Television and not Cinema might be the opt approach which could formulate New Media in the future. Adrian comments that Television might have a more adoptable approach rather than Film, by commenting that bandwidth and the length-time issue will have influence.
The entry makes interesting references to attention, aesthetics, time, multi-tasking and online environments.

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Black Hole discovery could change scientific idea of Spiral Galaxies

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Prof. Alex Filippenko of the University of California at Berkeley and Dr. Luis Ho of the Carnegie Observatories have announced that a Massive Black Hole has been found which could change the scientific idea of spiral gallaxies.
The Gallaxy known as NGC 4395 is a flat pure-disk galaxy about 11 million light-years away in the Northern Hemisphere constellation of Canes Venatici. The discovery suggests that other pure-disk galaxies, thought to be devoid of supermassive black holes, may indeed have one.

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user_mode International Symposium 2003

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The user_mode International Symposium is being held on the 9?11 May 2003 at Tate Modern, London, UK. The call for papers has now closed.
user_mode is a collaboration between Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design and Tate Modern and examines one of the key concerns for any creative practitioners ? engaging the emotions of the audience|user. The Symposium will aim to locate techniques, instruments, contexts and terms to provide clearer insight into the theme and is a follow up to The Allure of the Digital conference held in October 1999 at Tate Britain.