What is meant by Captcha?

In Archive by Fredy Ore

For a few months now I’ve been visiting a site called Word Spy, if you haven’t heard of it, it’s a great site by Paul McFedries which identifies recently coined words and phrases, old words used in new ways, and existing words that have enjoyed a recent renaissance.

I came across this word a little while ago and it was sitting in my Draft posts for a few weeks now among others.

Here it is:
(KAP.chuh) n. A computer-generated test that humans can pass but computer programs cannot.

Identified trends from the CHI 2003 conference

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Here is a nice summary by SAP Design Guild of the new and old trends identified from CHI 2003 New Horizons Conference held in Florida, US in May.

Some identified trends include, Emotional Design (also the title of Don Norman’s 2004 forthcoming book), Ethnographic issues and cross culture, New Media and E-Learning and different methodological approaches. The article also has a great list of references, links, books and further reading.

The annual CHI conference (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) is “the leading international forum for the exchange of ideas and information about computer-human interaction.”

The Next will be held in Vienna Austria on 24-29 April 2004.

Related Australian Conferences:
OZCHI2000 held Dec 4 – 8, 2000 and organised by the CSIRO and held at the Uni. of Technology Sydney.
OZCHI2003 to be held 26-28 November at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

IBM’s Exploratory user interface design website

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I came across the other day IBM’s Exploratory user interface design microsite, which shows examples of interface solutions that extend beyond the traditional graphical user interface (GUI) models and explores the use of realistic objects and places in user-interface design.

The microsite is part of IBM’s Ease of Use website which looks at User Engineering, Design among other areas.

Some of the examples includes:
* SmartMarkers – used for Data visualisation.
* RealThings design guide – The structure and elements of interfaces based on real-world objects.
* RealPlaces design guide -The structure and elements of user-interface environments patterned after real-life places.
* Desktop evolution – The history and thinking behind the RealThings design approach.

Cognitive & Heuristics books I would like to read

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I’ve just completed a HCI post-graduate subject which taught me a lot about the process of Heuristical Analysis and Usability of interfaces and devices.

I did a little search online and found some interesting books I wouldn’t mind reading,
1. Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions by Gary Klein
2. Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart by Gerd Gigerenzer, Peter M. Todd, ABC Research Group
3. The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making by Scott Plous
4. Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases by Daniel Kahneman (Editor), Paul Slovic (Editor), Amos Tversky (Editor), Amos Tversky (Editor)

Does new Mobile camera technology change our behaviour?

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Recently I read an interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald which commented on the problems new Mobile camera technology is causing social environments.

Some of the concerns involved the banning of mobile phones in communal areas, such as pools and gyms, where mobiles can now be used to send photos of people nude or changing in dressing rooms.

Is this a serious problem for social habits and behaviour? Or will it simply lead to more restrictions of technology use and greater surveillance of society?

Web Standards in Content Management

In Archive by Fredy Ore

One of the key areas of delivery for the Web today is the compliance of Standards. Initiatives such as the WebStandards.org Project among many others help build awareness and help also improve future directions for the medium.

An important element of web development-design today are Content Management Systems (CMS), particularly lately where the use and adoption of Blog-like sites are so common and depend on them.

There is a great article in A List Apart this week which looks at Typepad, one content management system by the makers of Movable Type that has constantly been developed with Web Standard in mind.

World Press Photos 2003

In Image, Photography by Fredy Ore

Andrew Francois from my post-graduate class forwarded this message about the World Press Photos exhibit which is visiting Sydney until the 22 June 2003 at the Mitchell Galleries.

It is open from 9.00am-5.00pm weekdays, 11.00am-5.00pm weekends and admission is free.

The World Press Photo exhibition showcases 190 evocative and dramatic images that capture the spirit and essence of the year 2002, including works by four outstanding Australian photographers.

The winning photographs were selected by the World Press Photo Foundation from a record 53,597 entries (submitted by 3,913 photographers) across 118 countries.

James Elkins lecture on What is Visual Literacy?

In Archive by Fredy Ore

There is a public lecture this coming Wednesday 11th June, 6-8pm by Professor James Elkins from the Department of Art History, Theory and Criticism at the Art Institute in Chicago.

The lecture is free, opened to anyone and is titled, What is Visual Literacy? and Who has it? It will be held at the University of Sydney (Lecture room 209, RC Mills Building, Fisher Rd.)

For more information, contact power.institute@arthist.usyd.edu.au or (02) 93514211