Interaction Architects or Designers

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Bruce Tognazzini has started up a discussion on the working title of Interaction Designers by suggesting that perhaps it should be changed to a more relevant title of Interaction Architect, which describes the title in more relevant terms, ie. a high-level approach to Human-Computer Interaction.

The topic which can be discussed further in the Discussion Group Tog has started, aims to find a consensus as to a single uniform name for the human-machine interaction profession, unite working professionals in the field and perhaps start a body that caters to this working group.

The discussion of working titles in the Computer Interaction and Information Architecture industries is not new, most recently discussions have occurred in the use of the word “Architecture”, some arguing that it can be a misuse of the word and should be limited to construction and building.
My initial views is that Interaction Architecture as a title is fine. It actually describes the role better than what Interaction Design does. I recently visited a party where possibly 80% of the party goers and close friends of mine were designers (Visual, Art, Print designers and Photographers), to some the titles, Information Designer, Interaction Designer and Information Architect were new to them and were curious of what each dealt with.

I explained my interpretation and description of each, with some questioning whether the use of the word “design” is appropriate :), others initially thought I was referring to a more visual sense of the word “design” and “interaction” such Flash MX or Director related. It was an interesting first person view on the working title of Interaction Designer (Interaction Architect) from a “designers” perspective.

Experience Curve weblog

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Experience Curve a weblog by Karl Long, is an interesting site which comments on how Experience Design (ED) or User Experience (UX) contributes to a business’ competitive advantage.

The website focuses on the topic that “Features and Functionality are no longer the lingua franca of competition”.

IBM Systems Journal on Knowledge Management

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The IBM Systems Journal have a series of interesting papers on Knowledge Management topics including, Human and Social factors, Speech as a knowledge resource, Where did KM come from?, Strategic practises, Text and Data Mining and e-Business.

The papers are available as PDF and HTML and were published in the 2001 Journal, which also contains useful links to further reading.

The world’s first cloned horse is born

In Archive by Fredy Ore

New Scientist reports that the first cloned horse is born.

Although genetically engineered horses are currently banned against competing in horse racing, some are speculating that soon the rules might change.

The controversial aspect of this clone birth, is that the foal is genetically identical to its surrogate mother.

Rob Kling’s introduction to What is social informatics?

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Rob Kling, who has sadly passed away recently, and worked at the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University, wrote a thorough and interesting introductory journal document on Social Informatics, describing what it is, its link to productivity (productivity paradox), and some of the issues and concerns related to the field, including current technologies, processes and further research.

The article is quite lengthy, but contains links to further readings (for those looking for more) on the field including systematic analytical and critical research.

The 25 years of research and processes in the field has developed numerous theories and findings that help better understand the design, development, and operation of usable information systems, including intranets, electronic forums, digital libraries and electronic journals

Social informatics identifies and deals with the research and study of the social aspects of computerization and that effective computerization also depends upon close attention to workplace organization and practices.

A more formal definition includes:

the interdisciplinary study of the design, uses and consequences of information technologies that takes into account their interaction with institutional and cultural contexts.

Kling, R. (1999) What is Social Informatics and Why Does it Matter? [Online] Available:

I have started reading about Social Informatics in a post-graduate subject I have started at UTS with Associate Professor Sue Fowell, which looks at Enterprise Content and Information Management.

Jeffrey Zeldman’s keynote from Seatle

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Jeffrey Zeldman has uploaded his keynote lecture notes (Designing with Web Standards), from the Web Design World in Seatle, US last Month.

His notes covers the important reasons for designing with W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standards, such as simplifying and lowering costs of production, while delivering sites that are accessible to more people and more types of Internet devices. It’s worthwhile reading over Jeffrey’s notes.

Sounds like Techno, a 4-part ABC online documentary

In Archive by Fredy Ore

ABC Arts Online (Space) have released an excellent online documentary titled, Sounds like Techno, a four part story about techno music from Detroit house to the Dance floors of Australia.

It is a fantastic use of interactive multimedia and a great way of displaying and broadcasting an entertaining and informative documentary online.

Siggraph Sydney (Pulse 002) presentation at COFA

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Viv forwarded an email from Peter Giles, Head of Digital Media at the Australian Film Television and Radio School about next Tuesday’s Siggraph’s Sydney (Pulse 002) meeting at COFA.

Representatives from the Planet-Earth project, fresh from presenting at SIGGRAPH2003 in San Diego California, USA, will present their open source geospatial virtual reality initiative, and their experiences in gaining support from the Telstra Broadband Fund.

I’ll be heading out, so see you all there! This event is free for Siggraph Sydney Chapter members, or $5 at the door.

Pulse 002 – Planet-Earth
Date: Tuesday 12th August, 7pm
Venue: College of Fine Arts (COFA)
Selwyn Street Paddington. Room B108.