The Guardian have published a collection of the best British bloggin.
One of my favourite, from the list is Rob Gardiner’s, which contains a collection of stunning black and white photographs.
The Guardian have published a collection of the best British bloggin.
One of my favourite, from the list is Rob Gardiner’s, which contains a collection of stunning black and white photographs.
A friend of mine, Eric forwarded a collection of photographs taken from the 2003 New Years Eve, Sydney harbour fireworks and lightshow.
They are really awesome!
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Xmas and a safe New year.
Will see you all in 2004 with a new and exciting project.
Challis Hodge has forward a link to some research papers by the NCO/IT R&D (the US National Coordination Office for Information Technology Research and Development).
The papers cover Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Information Management (IM) research needs (2001) and some of the bigger challenges (2003) in the requirements of research and development in networking and IT by science and engineering.
The 3GPortal have a collection of interesting articles which discuss interface design issues in mobile and portable computing.
The website has some interesting links to articles on Design, Future developments, Navigation, Usability and also contains interesting news, opinions and trends with 3G.
Thanks to Stephen Jones for the link.
Kevin Law makes an interesting comment in his blog site on whether smart phones and home servers will replace laptops by looking at how computing has been introduced over the years.
The World Summit on the Information Society – Geneva 2003 is the first of two world gatherings by Head of States, Executive heads from United Nations agencies, industry leaders, national delegates, non-governmental organizations, media representatives and civil society to provide a high-level understanding of the global accelerating convergence between telecommunications, broadcasting multimedia and information and communication technologies (ICTs).
The anticipated outcome of the Summit is to develop and foster a clear statement and concrete plan of action for achieving global goals of the Information Society, while fully reflecting on all different interests involved.
The official Geneva website also contains useful information about the event. The 2nd gathering is to be held in Tunis in 2005.
The Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) Technology Group have some interesting articles and presentations from the Australian Game Developer Conference 2003, Siggraph 2003, KRI Moscow and Game Developer World 2003. The presentations give an outline of the PS2 technology including Linux development and an overview of platform gaming.
Sony have unveiled a lens that is capable of capturing an image within 360 degrees.
Details of the lens can be found in the Sony Global CX-News Vol 34.
A recent Nature article reports that laughter can have the same affects as being high on cocaine.
CNet comments on a recent paper titled, Limits to Binary Logic Switch Scaling–A Gedanken Model – by Intel scientists, which suggests that by 2018 it will become extremely difficult for semi-conductor manufacturers to produce chips beyond the 16-nanometer manufacturing process.
Moore’s Law, has largely been driven by the ability to reduce the size of transistors and has been the primary method for making computer chips that are smaller, more powerful and cheaper than their predecessors.
The article suggests that chipmakers will need to start looking for new ways to make chips more powerful and less expensive, otherwise, the pace of progress in the IT industry could begin to slow down.
The paper was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in November.
Image Source: Wikipedia
Carl Franklin comments on using user interface layers.
The post contains some great comments on the use of layers in interface design and interesting discussion on alternative and possible uses.
The website, is the official membership site and contains a collection of documents on the unlicensed 2.4 GHz radio spectrum and the 79 frequency signal hops used to reduce interference.
SyncML is an open standard for the wireless mobile industry, that allows for mobility of information by establishing a common language and protocol for communications between devices, applications and networks.
The SyncML open standard and SyncML Data Sync (SyncML DS) allows for any devices or applications to communicative at any time, allowing for configuration and transfers.
The Nokia Research Library contains some interesting journal and conference papers on Audio and Visual Communication Systems, Electronics, Mobile Networks, User Interfaces (Speech, Visual), Security and Usability and Ergonomics.