The top 20 equations ever found

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Robert P Crease, from the Department of Philosophy at State University of New York, has written about some of the Top 20 equations ever found.

Surprisingly, based on reader feedback, Einstein’s e=mc2 didn’t win. Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism and the Euler equation were on top.

Markme Flash Accessibility examples

In Archive by Fredy Ore

With the recent WE04 Conference focusing on accessibility via standards compliance, such as using CSS2, and future CSS3. I thought I’d look into the other uses of accessible techniques and approaches that other “not so standards” tools provide.

Here is a collection by Macromedia’s Bob Regan, of good accessibility use within Flash sites. These sites show techniques such as narration, presentation, visual cues such as metaphors, accessibility keys and captioning to improve the accessibility of Flash based content.

Dave Shea’s presentation from WE04

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I was unfortunately away from Sydney, to attend the recent WE04 Accessibility conference, at UTS last week. I soooooooo wanted to be there, especially that I was arriving from the UK only a few days earlier. The word is that the conference was excellent & worthwhile.

Here is a copy of Dave Shea’s presentation from WE04.
More information about the sessions and talks can be found at the conference Blog