ping -t is used

In Archive by Fredy Ore

ping -t
is used to infinitely ping a domain name or IP address. PING stands for Packet Internet Groper, a utility to determine whether a specific IP address is accessible. It works by sending a packet to the specified address and waiting for a reply. PING is used primarily to troubleshoot Internet connections.

I went over to Fox

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I went over to Fox Studio’s CityLive venue last night to see St Germain play live with supporting act, Endorphin with some of the folks from Selenium, Scotty, Hayley, Chris and Tai. Endorphin were awesome, but they were nothing compared to the spectacular St Germain and band. I snuck my camera in and got a few photos of the night, I’ll paste them in the supplement in the next few days.
Here are some St. Germain related links of interest: 1 2 3 4

Customer Experience by the Performance Technology Group

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The Performance Technology Group is an example of one of many organisations worldwide that focuses on the “Customer Experience”.

It is interesting to see some of their key focus points, which revolves around what is to be the next future global trend of most software, internet, iTV, m-commerce, businesses, companies, groups & websites in the next few years; the “User Experience”.

I will be covering this topic area in the second Feature issue of reloade 3.0, as well as the topic of “Cognitive models”.

In the meantime, here are some related links on Experience a website by Mark Hurst Monitoring the online customer experience
Nathan Shedroff’s experience resource library