The first Digital iTV program
The first Digital iTV program in Australian television aired today. “ABC Kids” :::
The Noosa Regional Gallery (Qld)
The Noosa Regional Gallery (Qld) invites artists of all ages to submit entries for its inaugural Digital Art Competition. There will be awards for three categories including Best Digital movie (linear) and Best Interactive non linear movie. Entries close on 14 August 2001 :::
[Ski] Here is a new
The Osmosis Jones film site
Here is the Osmosis Jones website, The cutting edge, live action/animated action adventure comedy featuring the voices of Bill Murray, Chris Rock, Laurence Fishburn
[Ski] Gore upset that Clinton
Experts say that Code Red
Experts say that Code Red threat is overstated :::
Here is the URL for
Here is the URL for Microsoft IIS4/5 Security Patch for the Code Red Worm :::
Open Publish 2001 is happening
Open Publish 2001 is happening at the Sydney Hilton Hotel, July 30 – August 2 Incorporating PDF Asia Pacific :::
This Thursday night at 7pm
This Thursday night at 7pm the Sydney ACM Chapter of Siggraph are having a pre-conference event at the Silicon Pulp gallery. Come and see new and unreleased local work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. The night is open to Members with membership available at the door.
The night will include a quick General membership Meeting with the appointment of their public officer, Door prizes including a copy of “The Art of Maya”, t-shirts, and various Alias/Wavefront merchandise. There will be free food and drinks, interesting people and stuff to look at and play with. Toys, TVs, video games and a nice big video projector of showcased work + there will also be original cells from Akira on the walls. :::
Special screenings for the anniversary of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games
The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games are back … but this time on the big screen
The technology used in the film Final Fantasy
A close look at the technology used in Final Fantasy
[EricH] Scientists create saltwater tomatoes
Southern Cross cable cut severs
Southern Cross cable cut severs Net connection :::
Article: 'Bluetooth's teething problems continue'
Article: ‘Bluetooth’s teething problems continue’ by Adrian Kerr :::