Here is the website for

In Archive by Fredy Ore

Here is the website for ‘The Windows Logo Program’, a project intented to supplement the Microsoft Windows XP OS by attaching the ‘Designed for Windows XP’ logo with hardware/software products that deliver a high-quality computing experience. :::

The rumoured next Microsoft Operating

In Archive by Fredy Ore

The rumoured next Microsoft Operating systems to follow Windows XP (originally known as ‘Whistler’), utilising the Windows .NET technology are Codenamed “Longhorn” and “Blackcomb 2002”. Blackcomb is believed to be the first .NET Operating System. ::: [1], [2] and [3],4586,2797222,00.html?chkpt=zdnnp1tp

I will be uploading and

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I will be uploading and making a few changes to Reloade and most sections in the next few days and week, including some special features, animations and intros, so stay tuned. :) Many thanks to all those who sent over feedback and suggestions via email, thank you .

I just got back from

In Archive by Fredy Ore

I just got back from the Australia Breakfast forum on Online Security, ‘Regulating The Electronic Frontier’. I’ve got a few photos which I’ll be uploading in the next few days in the supplement. The forum was quite interesting with guest speakers, Grant Bayley (2600 Australia), Dean Kingsley (Partner, Security Asia Pacific – Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu), Adam Daniel (Forensic Data) and Moderator Michael Walsh (Managing Director, :::