‘s List of File Extensions. It lists and describes some of the most common file extensions for multiple platforms including Windows, Unix, and Mac. :::
Pixar describes the animation process
The Animation process as describes by Pixar films ::: Here is also a little background about Pixar :::
Here are some of the
Here are some of the photos which I’ll be uploading soon to the supplement, apologies for the delays. [1] Japan Night at the Sydney Opera House, [2] The Design Is Kinky and Australian INfront meet, [3]’s Breakfast Forum on Computer Security, [4] A night out with the waterskiing & scuba diving club from Sydney Uni, [5] Selenium at Shark Bar 2, [6] The IdN Sydney Fresh Conference, [7] Toasted at the Dendy and [8] Prof. Arnold with Siggraph ACM at Sydney University. They are coming soon!
Prof. David Arnold lecture
Tonight I visited a lecture at the University of Sydney organised by The University of Sydney ACM Student Chapter, the Computer Science Undergraduate Society and Sydney ACM Siggraph with world leader in Computer Graphics, Prof. David Arnold. Prof. Arnold spoke on his current research in reconstructing heritage sites as virtual environments using low cost computer systems followed by DVD screening from the best of Syggraph 2001. It was truly awesome! I’ve got a stack of photos which I’ll be posting soon.
An Encarta Atlas map of
An Encarta Atlas map of Afghanistan ::: A MS Terraserver map of Manhattan New York :::
The Phillipines Web Awards
The Phillipines Web Awards
An interesting essay by Donald
An interesting essay by Donald Norman on how might we interact with computers of the future. ‘Cyborgs of the new millennium’ :::
FatBrain books part of Barns & Noble
The FatBrain book website is an alternative to Amazon and part of Barnes and Noble.
Here is a useful article
Here is a useful article in the Nielsen Norman Group website on ‘Designing Websites to Maximize Press Relations: Guidelines from Usability Studies with Journalists’ :::
The capabilities of Internet 2
An interesting article in the NOW channel on the capabilities of the so-called ‘Internet2’ :::
The Gamma default levels for
The Gamma default levels for Windows is 2.20. For the Macintosh, the default Gamma levels is 1.80.
An interview with Tony David
An interview with Tony David Cray the Multimedia Developer for the Sydney Opera House Virtual Tour flash website and CD-Rom :::
Justin Fox, from Australian INfront
Justin Fox, from Australian INfront has made the Top30 Rising Star list in IT e)mag. Congrats bro! :::
The US 'Major League Baseball'
The US ‘Major League Baseball’ website, was an example shown by Macromedia at the Sydney Fresh Conference, where XML Flash Content was being used to produce some live game play-by-play scorecards. :::
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0
Today I revisited the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0 Specification
Latest Version