Working Experience
Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working at some of the most amazing companies alongside the brightest in the industry.
I wouldn’t be here without the opportunities that I have been given over the years, and all that I have learnt along the way.
Project Case Study
In 2009, I started a personal project which aimed to visualise & identify trends in language, conversations, contexts & the relationships they create within various fields including User Experience, Design and Interaction Design. The project was presented at the 25th BCS Human Computer Interaction conference, in Newcastle England. It is currently being rebooted and will soon launch for a public release.
Professional Presentations
In 2006, I was invited to present at the 2nd European IA Summit in Berlin. The conference Keynote was Peter Morville and my presentation was on a project which studied the UK’s transition from Analogue to Digital Television through to 2012.
Interests & Hobbies
Outside of work I’m into film, photography, writing music, immersing in art and galleries & collecting vinyl records. I have just over 10,000 of them with some quite rare. I managed to ship these in a cargo ship for 3-months from Sydney – my heart skipped a few beats along the way, but they arrived safely.
I wrote, composed and produced this track in 2007. It is a work-in-progress capture from a collection of now 22 tracks for an unreleased EP.
These recordings are due for an official release in 2025 through Spotify & SoundCloud.
In 2008, behind a set of vinyl turntables I mixed this Drum & Bass demo live.
All tracks are copyright by their respective artists & authors.
All Recordings